Going Serverless with Knative and Camel K

Apache Camel K is a serverless integration platform, enabling low-code capabilities, where integrations can be used natively on Kubernetes. Using Knative, the fast native-compiled runtime of Quarkus, and Camel K; then the trio brings awesome serverless features such...

Functional Programming in Java

With Java supporting lambda expressions, we have nothing to stop us from creating functional style of code for our day to day applications. We are so used to object-oriented programming, but remember the paradigm shift we went through to adapt to that way of...

Mixed Paradigms: The Method to Madness

Language Paradigms are intriguing, some languages are pure and enforce a particular paradigm, and yet some languages are hybrid. A single paradigm language is consistent, easier to use, and often favored by the proponents of the promoted paradigm. Hybrid languages...

An introduction to cloud networking

When moving into the cloud, one of the first (and probably one of the most important) things to consider is networking. Of all the skills an Oracle DBA needs to be able to master, networking is quickly rising to very high importance. To make matters slightly worse,...

Do not run-away! Oracle Performance for the Uncertain

It’s eternal. Autonomous Database yes, Self-driving maybe – at the end, one of us has to put boots on the ground if there are shortcomings in real throughput or latency. In the cloud, analysis is a bit harder, on-premises has a few features less. The Oracle...